1. Bala Bangles \\ 2. Blender Bottle \\ 3. Resistance Bands \\ 4. TRX Ropes \\ 5. Bala Bars \\ 6. APL Shoes

We all have that one friend who can’t sit still, who finds being cooped up inside drives her crazy because they want to be psychically active. What’s hard is if you’re stuck quarantining with them. But here’s some ideas of things to get your Sweaty Betty (I like that so much more than gym rat.) 

If you follow anyone who is a fitness Instagrammer, you probably have seen these Bala Bangles. They can be used as weight bracelets or ankle weights, and come in a bunch of fun colors. It’s a great gift for your friend who likes going on those early morning walks.

If you have a friend who loves protein shakes, and then this may be the gift for him or her. Blender Bottles make it easy to mix together protein powder and liquid before running out the door. My mom and I both use these bottles almost everyday, and  like the ability that we can pop them in the dish washer. 

Resistance bands are one of my favorite pieces of workout equipment. I take them with me when I travel, because they are easy to pack and I can create different exercises. For a really intense workout knit bands stay in place and provide resistance over a larger area than rubber resistance bands. This set has three different resistances and comes with a little bag that keeps them all together. 

TRX ropes are a gym in a bag. As long as there’s a door you can lock, or a way to mount them in the ceiling, you can use them for a full body work out. TRX ropes are perfect for friends who miss the gym right now. 

My new goal is to have workout equipment that fits my aesthetic, and these Bala bars look so much prettier than your average weights, and these three weight pounds are great for Pilates and Barre classes.

APL shoes have been on my radar for a while, and now they are the “It shoe.” Depending on what type of exercise someone is into they have a lot of styles that work for everything from running to training. I have been on the hunt for comfortable shoes after my ankle surgery, and these keep showing up on lists for comfortable shoes, and I’m looking for a pair.

Maybe these gifts will help your friend deal with not being able to go to the gym. Or maybe it’s really a gift for yourself, so whoever you’re stuck with won’t drive you insane.

With love,

xoxo Elaine